Open Positions

Open positions for PostDoc, PhD and Masters students

Highly-motivated chemistry students looking for a challenge in polymer synthesis, in particular polymerization catalysis (transition metal catalyst or NHC-catalyzed), the synthesis of functional polymeric materials, in polymers for battery technology, or for fiber composites or in the production of high-performance fibers, especially carbon fibers and oxide ceramic fiber are welcome to apply for a research internship, a bachelor thesis, a master thesis , PhD. thesis or postdoctoral position. Please browse our website to find out more about the group and our research interests.

PhD Positions

currently no open PhD position available.

Bachelor & Master Theses

The following theses (Bachelor's and/or Master's theses) are currently available at the DITF Denkendorf. If you are interested, please contact the relevant member of staff.

  1. Resorbable, 3D-printed Fiber Composites (Implants)
  2. Flammschutzcomonomer für anionisch ringgeöffnetes Polyamid 6
  3. Latente Vitrimerharze



Chair of Macromolecular Materials and Fiber Chemistry

Pfaffenwaldring 55, D-70569, Stuttgart

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