This image shows Sabine Ludwigs

Sabine Ludwigs

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.

Executive Director of IPOC & Head of Chair
Structure & Properties of Polymeric Materials


Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart

1997 – 2002 Studies of Chemistry at the University of Bayreuth, Germany; Diploma thesis on synthesis and bulk phase behaviour of triblock terpolymers; Supervision: Prof. G. Krausch & Prof. A. Müller

2002 – 2004 PhD-thesis, Subject: „Complex nanostructures in ABC triblock terpolymer thin films”, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Group of Prof. G. Krausch

2004 – 2006 Postdoc at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK; Group of Prof. U. Steiner; Experienced researcher in the EU-Network Polyfilm, RTN-6

2006 – 2010 Group leader at the Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry & Freiburg Materials Research Center, Freiburg, Germany; Service group leader of the “Scale-Up” Laboratory

2008 – 2018 Leader of an independent junior research group within the Emmy-Noether program of the DFG

2008 – 2011 Junior Fellow within FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies)

2010 Habilitation in Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Freiburg

since 11/10 Full Professor, Head of "Lehrstuhl für Struktur & Eigenschaften polymerer Materialien", Institut für Polymerchemie, University of Stuttgart

2017 Prof invitée at the Ecole Polytechnique Paris

2019 Call for the Professorship for “Polymere Werkstoffe” at the Universität des Saarlandes, declined.

           2020   Funding for the establishment of an independent Junior Research

                     Group with Prof. Dr. Lunter, University of Tübingen,

                      Excellence Strategy at the University of Tübingen

          2016    Invited Professorship, Ecole Polytechnique, LabEx CHARMMMAT,


 2008-2018    Emmy Noether Group of the DFG

 2007-2011    Invited Professorship, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg

 2008-2011     Junior Fellow in the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), 

                       Excellence Initiative of the University of Freiburg

 2008-2010     Elite stipend of the Baden-Württemberg-Foundation

2006+2010     Awards for excellent research work, Otto-Röhm-Gedächtnisstiftung

          2009     Eugen-Graetz Award for excellent research, University of Freiburg

          2002     Award of the Otto-Warburg-Chemiestiftung

- Guest Researcher of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), since 2024.

- Co-Speaker of new Cluster initiative “Bionic Intelligence for Health”, University of Stuttgart and University of Tübingen, since 2023

- Speaker of the Center of Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart (BITS), together with Prof. Syn Schmitt and Prof. Martin Giese; , since 2023

- Co-Speaker of Research Training Group GRK2948 “Mixed Ionic-Electronic Transport”, since October 2023

- Faculty of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems, since January 2023;

- Member of SC SimTech, since November 2022;

- Associate Member of SC SimTech, Universität Stuttgart, since November 2022

- Board Member of the IMPRS-CMS, Stuttgart, since 2022

- Member of the Advisory Board of the GRK2670 – BEAM, University of Halle, since 2022

- Executive Board of the GDCh Division of Macromolecular Chemistry from 2021 to 2024.

- Editorial Advisory Board Member of JACS Au; since January 2021

- Co-organization of ACS PMSE Meeting „100 Years of Polymer Structures: Active Materials for Thin Films & Interfaces”, Philadelphia, March 2020

- Associate Editor of Macromolecules, ACS; since January 2020

- Member of the Curatorium of the Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF) in Freiburg; since 2019

- Board of Directors of the NSERC – Green Electronics Network (GReEN) in Canada, which is headed by Prof. Mario Leclerc (Université Laval); since 2019

- Member of the International Advisory Board of Macromolecular Rapid Communications & Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Wiley

- Executive Director of the Institute of Polymer Chemistry, interexchange with Prof. Buchmeiser every 2 years

- Member of the Curatorium at the Institute of Microelectronics (IMS Chips), Stuttgart

- Deputy head of the “Deutscher Hochschulverband”, Stuttgart

- Board member of the Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V.

- Member of the Leading Committee of the research project ‘Nanobiomater’ funded by the Zeiss-Foundation

- Member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GdCH

- Head of the board of examiners for bachelor and master students in chemistry (2013 – 2018)

- Member of the committee for admission of chemistry students; University of Stuttgart

- Member of several review boards for professorships & grants

>75 Invited Lectures at International Conferences

Fast Ionic Transport Systems 2025 (FITS2025), Prague, Czechia, 24-28 August 2026, invited talk

2025 edition of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group, Houffalize, Belgium, plenary talk

MRS Spring Meeting in Seattle, Washington:

BEAM Conference: Beyond Amphiphilicity - Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions; Halle: Plenary

Makromolekulares Kolloquium Freiburg: Plenary

Chalmers University of Technology, winter school in Sweden, Hällsnäs:

Journées du GDR-OERA (Organic Electronics for the New Era); Artificial Intelligence in Organic Electronics, Strasbourg:
“From Intelligent Polymers to Soft Robotics Applications", Invited

Science Notes “Bionik”, Stuttgart: „Clevere Kunststoffe für Bionische Intelligenz“,Invited

GDCh Makro 2024, Dresden:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Opto-electronic and Switchable Devices", Invited

EuroEAP 2024 – Twelfth international conference on Soft Transducers and Electromechanically Active Polymers, Stuttgart:
“From Multifunctional Polymer Materials Design to Soft Robotics Applications", Invited

26th International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Electronic Materials (ICSM 2024), Dresden:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Organic Electronics and Soft Robotics”, Invited

E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg:
“Electrochemical Doping of Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Optoelectronics and Switchable Devices", Invited

Symposium on Photoconversion in Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors, Imperial College London:
“Adaptive Semiconducting Polymer Films for Optoelectronics and Switchable Devices”, Invited

SPIE "Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) 2024", SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg:
“Mixed ionic-electronic transport in conducting polymers for actuating devices”, Invited

ACS Spring Meeting, New Orleans:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Switchable Devices”, Invited

Bordeaux Polymers Seminars: “Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Materials”, Invited

ICMAB Seminar Series, Barcelona: “Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Materials”, Invited

MATSUS Fall 2023, Torremolinos:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Switchable Devices”, Invited

Seminar Series of the FSM (Functional Soft Materials) Lab, Stuttgart:
“Intelligent Polymer Materials as Actuators and Sensors for Soft Robotic Applications”

PI of the Month @ IMPRS-CMS, MPI Stuttgart:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Materials for Actuating Devices”, Invited

LOE (Laboratory of Organic Electronics) Seminar Series, Norrköping:
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Materials”, Invited

General Assembly of SPP2100, Dresden:
“Intelligent Polymer Materials as Actuators and Sensors for Soft Robotic Applications”, Invited

DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden:
“Humidity & Electrochemical Switching of Mixed Conducting Polymer Films”

General Assembly of SPP2171, Münster:  
“Adaptive Mixed Conducting Polymer Surfaces”, Invited

Telluride Workshop on Organic Mixed Conductors, 
“Multifunctional Mixed Conducting Polymer Films for Intelligent Devices”, Invited

Bordeaux Polymer Conference,
“Humidity & Electrochemical Switching of Mixed Conducting Polymer Films”, Invited

IPOE 2022 (Interface Properties in Organic and Hybrid Electronics – Perspectives & Key Challenges), Malaga:
“From Conducting Polymer Films towards Intelligent Switchable Devices”, Invited

SFB-1249 Symposium on Materials for Organic Electronics, Heidelberg:
“Humidity & Electrochemical Switching of Mixed Conducting Polymer Films”, Invited 

ICRA Workshop on Leveraging Advancements in Smart Materials Science - Soft Robots Gaining New Abilities through Smart and Functional Materials (IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation),                                         “Bioinspired Multifunctional Polymer Films for Actuating Devices”, Invited

ICON-NSLE Conference (Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment), “From Conducting Polymer Films towards Intelligent Switchable Devices”, Keynote

nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022:
“Electrochemical Switching of Mixed Conducting Polymer Films”, Invited

MRS Spring Meeting:
“Controlled Crystallization & Electrochemical Doping Strategies of Films based on the two Work-Horses P3HT & P(NDI2OD-T2)”, Invited

NanoGe Symposium, online
“Bioinspired mixed conducting polymer films for actuators”, Invited

ACS Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, USA:
“Bioinspired multifunctional polymer films for electrochemical devices”, Invited

Makromolekulares Kolloquium, Freiburg:
“Bioinspired multiresponsive polymer films”, Invited

MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
“Liquid-crystalline and / or semi-crystalline - Understanding structure-function relationships in n-type copolymer films ”, Invited

48th Colloquium of GFP, Mulhouse, F:
“Bioinspired multifunctional polymer films for polymer electronics applications”, Plenary Talk

International Symposium on Future Optics, PhoenixD, Hannover:
“Bioinspired multifunctional polymer films for polymer electronics applications”, Plenary Talk

GREEN Electronics Meeting, Montreal, Canada:
“Controlled manipulation of polymer materials & films for electronic & energy storage applications”, Invited

MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA:
“Controlled crystallization strategies for organic electronic applications”, Invited

MRS Fall Meeting,Symposium Bioelectronics, Boston, USA:
“Mixed conductivity in conducting polymer films”, Invited
MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA:
“Doping of conducting polymer films for electronic and electrochemical applications”, Invited
SPIC 2017, Limoges, France:
“Manipulation des Films de Polymères Conducteurs pour des Applications Electroniques et Electrochimiques”, Plenary Talk
Ferienakademie Sarntal, Südtirol, Italy:
“Polymere und Polymere Elektronik”, Invited Guest Lecturer
Stuttgart Workshop of Thermoelectrics:
“Doping of conjugated polymer films for flexible thermoelectrics”, Invited
ECHEMS 2017, Milano Marittima, Italy: 
“Conducting polymers with different architectures: Advanced electrochemistry for organic electronics”, Plenary Talk
SFB-Kolloquium SFB 1176, Trifels:
“Manipulation of functional polymers on the molecular and mesoscopic scale”, Invited
DPG Meeting, Dresden:
“Controlled crystallization of n-type semiconducting polymer thin films”, Invited
Macromolecular Symposium Freiburg: 
“Doping of conjugated polymer films for flexible electronics”, Invited
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA: 
“Controlled crystallization of conjugated polymer films for organic electronic devices”, Invited
International School on Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Stuttgart: 
“Nanostructured conducting polymer films for energy applications”, Invited
Days of ITODYS, Paris, France: 
“Manipulation of polymer thin films for organic electronics and electrochemical devices”, Invited
ISFOE, Thessaloniki, Greece: 
“Controlled crystallization of polymer thin films for opto-electronic applications”, Invited
Organic Electronics: Recent Developments and Challenges (OE2016), Stuttgart:
“Controlled crystallization of polymer thin films for opto-electronic applications”, Invited
European Polymer Congress, Dresden:
“Controlled crystallization of semicrystalline polymer thin films & its impact on optical & electrical properties”, Keynote Lecture
WEEM-2015, Bad Herrenalb:
Peter Reinold: “Chemical and electrochemical synthesis and functionalization of branched polythiophenes”, Invited
EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting Lille, France:
“Controlled crystallization of donor-acceptor copolymer thin films”
42nd German Liquid Crystal Conference, Stuttgart:
Daniel Trefz: “Controlled crystallization and electron transport anisotropy in thin P(NDI2OD-T2) films”

GdCH-Electrochemistry, Mainz:
Miriam Goll: “Electrochemical synthesis & spectroscopical studies of EDOT containing conducting copolymer & blend films”
ISFOE 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece:
“How to force semiconducting polymers into order", Invited

Justus Back: “Towards functional supramolecular structures of conjugated polymers by self assembly of rod-coil & rod-rod block copolymers” Dr. Adrian Ruff: “Electrochemical determination of LUMO energy levels of acceptor materials for organic solar cells”
12th International Symposium on Functional π-Electrons, Turku, Finland:
“How to force semiconducting polymers into order”, Invited
European Approaches to Bioinspired Materials, Leeds, UK:
“How to force semiconducting polymers into order", Invited

Dr. Anna Schenk: “Bio-inspired routes towards nanoporous Co3O4”
ECHEMS 2014, Bath, UK:
Miriam Goll: “Electrochemical synthesis & spectroscopical studies of EDOT containing conducting copolymer & blend films”

Bunsentagung, Hamburg:
Dr. Adrian Ruff: “Electrodeposited EDOT containing 3D copolymers based on a terthiophene branching unit”

MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA:
Florian Fischer: “Large scale orientation by crystallizing PCPDTBT under confinement”
DPG-Spring Meeting, Dresden:
“Controlled crystallization of semiconducting polymers”, Invited
Makromolekulares Kolloquium, Freiburg:
“How to force semiconducting polymers into order”, Invited
12/ 2013
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
Florian Fischer: “Influence of processing solvents and additives on PCPDTBT morphology and optical properties in the neutral and charged states”
09/ 2013
DPG Physics School on Innovative Concepts in Photovoltaics, Bad Honnef: 
“Controlled crystallization of semiconducting polymers”, Invited
NANOTEXNOLOGY 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece:
“Anisotropic charge transport in semicrystalline polymer thin films”, Invited
International Symposium on Flexible Electronics, Erlangen:
“Anisotropic charge transport in semiconducting polymers”, Invited
11th International Symposium on Functional π-Electron Systems, Arcachon, France:
“Anisotropic charge transport in semiconducting polymers”, Invited

10th IPF Colloquium, Dresden:
“Anisotropic charge transport in semiconducting polymers”, Invited

09/ 2012
International Ringberg Symposium, Rottach-Egern:
“Optoelectronic polymer nanohybrid materials“, Invited
15th International Conference „Polymeric Materials“, Halle:
“Controlled crystallization of semiconducting polymers”, Invited
NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece:
“Controlled crystallization of semiconducting polymer thin films: from molecular scale to macroscopic order”, Invited
DFG-Sino-German Workshop, Shanghai, China: 
„Optoelectronic polymer nanohybrid materials”, Invited
E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France:
„Controlled crystallization of P3HT thin films”
Future challenges of advanced functional polymers for the emerging technologies, Bordeaux, France:
„Nanostructuring of semiconducting polymer materials“, Invited
DFG-First German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher, Kazan, Russia:
„From functional polymers towards organic solar cells”, Invited
The 24th International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization ISPAC, Torino, Italy:
„Controlled crystallization in semiconducting polymer thin films”, Invited
MRS-Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
„From linear & branched polythiophenes towards optoelectronics”, Invited
Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (JAGFOS), Potsdam:
„From block copolymer films towards organic solar cells”, Invited
Polydays 2010, Berlin:
„Hyperbranched polythiophenes”, Invited
FRIAS-Tagung Soft Matter, Saig/Titisee:
„Hierarchical soft-lithographic patterning of polymers“, Invited
MRS-Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA:
“Block copolymer templates for optoelectronic applications: synthesis, optoelectronic properties and morphology of soft-etchable hole-conducting block copolymers”

T. Richter: “Room temperature vacuum-induced ligand removal and patterning of ZnO nano-particles: from semiconducting films towards printed electronics”
From the Witches‘ Cauldrons of Materials Science, Goslar:
“Block copolymer templates for organic solar cells“, Invited
Bunsen Discussion Meeting, Stuttgart, Germany:
“Block copolymer templates for optoelectronic applications: Synthesis, optoelectronic properties and morphology of soft-etchable hole-conducting block copolymers”
Dresden Spring School – DFG-SPP-1355, Germany:
“Hybrid solar cells”, Invited
Bayreuther Polymer Symposium:
“From linear and branched polythiophenes towards optoelectronic applications”, Invited
ECHEMS-Meeting, Weingarten: 
“Electrochemical characterization of electroactive polymers with potential applications in organic solar cells”
DPG Meeting, Dresden: 
“Characterization of electroactive polymers and block copolymers with potential application in organic solar cells“
Macromolecular Symposium, Freiburg:                                                                                                          ”From nanostructured block copolymer templates towards hybrid solar cells“
GdCH-Conference “Electrochemistry – Crossing Boundaries”, Gießen:
“Electrochemical characterization of electroactive polymers with potential applications in organic solar cells”
FMF-Colloquium, Hornberg:
“Templating with functional block copolymer films – potential applications in organic solar cells”
German-Korean Polymer Symposium, Busan, Korea: 
“Nanostructured block copolymer films as templates for the preparation of optoelectronic devices”, Invited
EUPOC – Europolymer Conference, Gargnano: 
“From nanostructured block copolymer films towards organic solar cells”

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