New Advanced Functional Materials Paper:

November 17, 2020

From Qu-Bits in P3HT Films to Spintronics

Great work from the collaboration with Prof. van Slageren and Prof. Schulze on Hybrid Spintronic Materials based on Qu-Bits in P3HT published in Advanced Functional Materials!

M. Kern, L. Tesi, D. Neusser, N. Rußegger, M. Winkler, A. Allgaier, Y. M. Gross, S. Bechler, H. S. Funk, L.-T. Chang, J. Schulze, S. Ludwigs, J. van Slageren, Hybrid Spintronic Materials from Conducting Polymers with Molecular Quantum Bits, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2006882.



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